Acados solver ROS2 Stack

Helper packages to use the Acados solver for non-linear optimization in ROS2 applications.

The goal is to prototype NMPC solvers in Python and to seamlessly use them in C++ ROS2 applications (i.e., ros2-control controllers).

To date, the stack includes:
  • acados_solver_base: a wrapper C++ class for Acados solvers;

  • acados_solver_plugins: a templated interface between the wrapper and Acados auto-generated C-code. A minimalistic Python library provides simple generation of C++ solver plugins from Python Acados models;

  • acados_solver_plugins_example: a package to be used as a demo and as a template when starting a project using the acados solvers.

Project GitHub repository: acados_solver_ros2


Python modules

Extra documentation